

College Board Placement (ACCUPLACER) Testing is available for applicants who need to complete entrance testing for admission into specific programs and courses at RDP. Entrance tests may be written at our on-campus Test Centre or online through a remote proctor.

Test Day Information

Arrive Early
Arrive 15 minutes before the start of your test to check-in and receive instructions.

Photo ID 
Please bring a valid, government issued photo ID to Testing Services when you write your exam. 

Testing Services is located in the NOVA Chemicals Learning Common (Room 940) on main campus. Parking pay stations are located just inside the campus entrances.

Permitted Items
Test-takers are allowed to bring in a clear water bottle along with any required materials for their test. Lockers are also provided to store other items.  If you have non-permitted items while writing your test, it will be reported to the instructor or test provider. 

If a calculator is allowed for your test, we will check if your model is acceptable according to your test instructions. If you have a programmable calculator, you may be asked to clear its memory.

If you need headphones for your test (or for your approved accommodations), you may bring your own wired ones. Wireless headphones are not permitted. If you need headphones, ear buds, or earplugs, but don’t have your own, we can provide a set.

If you require access to food, medication, or any items for health or accessibility reasons, please contact your test provider to request accommodations. If this is an RDP test, you will need to contact Accessibility Services.

Restricted Items

  • cell phones, watches, paper that is not approved for your test, and any non-approved electronic devices. 
  • Scrap paper, if allowed for your test, will be provided by Testing Services.

Test Centre Rules

  • No speaking in the testing area.
    • If you have a question, raise your hand or enter the invigilator’s office to speak with the Test Centre's staff. Do not communicate with other test-takers.
  • You may take a break if your test allows it. You must remain within view of staff and you may not access personal belongings unless you have a specific accommodation. A washroom is available inside the testing area.
  • You may not leave the testing area until your test is complete, unless there is an emergency. If you have to evacuate the building for an emergency, leave all testing materials in the testing room and proceed to the nearest exit.
  • Food is not allowed inside the testing area, unless approved as an accommodation.
  • Drinks are allowed if they are inside a clear, quiet container.
  • Testing Services upholds a scent-free environment. You may be denied entry into the Testing Services if your scent interferes with other test takers during the exam.
Test Results

Your testing results will be provided to Red Deer Polytechnic to use in admission decisions. You can confirm this by accessing the Applications page in MyRDP. Please allow up to two weeks for your results to be submitted and processed.


If your ACCUPLACER assessment is unsuccessful, you will be eligible to rewrite the unsuccessful parts. Students are eligible to attempt entrance testing up to two times per term, otherwise you will have to wait until next term to try again.

To request a rewrite at Red Deer Polytechnic, fill out this form (selecting Prospective Students → Accuplacer → Retake).

To request a remote rewrite, please submit the voucher request form. When asked if this is your first attempt, select "No."


If you are registered with RDP's Accessibility Services and want to know about accessing your approved exam accommodations for this test, please contact Testing Services via e-mail before paying the proctoring fee and scheduling your test.

Practice Resources

To help you prepare for your test, please visit ACCUPLACER's website to view the following resources:

English Testing

  • Reading Sample Questions
  • Writing Sample Questions
  • WritePlacer Guide with Sample Essays

Math Testing

  • Arithmetic Sample Questions


Testing Services Team
Phone: 403.342.3292

Office Hours: Monday to Friday | 8 am – 4 pm

Testing Hours: Monday to Friday | 8:15 am – 3:45 pm 

Closed on weekends and statutory holidays. 

Email Us