RDP Creates Accelerated Practical Nurse Diploma Pathway

Red Deer Polytechnic has become the first post-secondary institution in Alberta to offer an accelerated pathway for health care professionals to complete the Practical Nurse Diploma program.
This program is designed for internationally educated nurses or internationally trained health care professionals and Canadian health care professionals interested in completing the Practical Nurse program at an accelerated pace. Applicants must have earned a domestic or international health care credential within the past 10 years. Through a variety of evaluation tools, applicants may receive prior learning credit toward courses in the first year of the two-year diploma, potentially reducing the duration of the program in half.
Students can demonstrate prior learning and competencies in first-year Practical Nurse courses that include Anatomy and Pharmacology by completing individual assessments, such as case studies, exams and presentations.
In addition to learning in high-fidelity simulation labs, students take a breadth of courses that help to prepare them for the diverse needs of the health care sector. These courses include Community Health Nursing, Maternity and Pediatric Nursing and Mental Health Nursing.
“This program is one example of how Red Deer Polytechnic supports internationally trained and educated students,” says Werner Beylefeld, Dean, International Education. “By recognizing prior learning, RDP has created an efficient pathway for international students to accelerate their career and increase their earning potential as a nurse while contributing to the needs of Alberta’s health care sector.”
The first cohort of this Practical Nurse program that recognizes prior learning will begin in Fall 2024 Term.
While this accelerated Practical Nurse Diploma program has 16 seats available to health care professionals, Red Deer Polytechnic offers a dynamic range of health care programming. This includes a Pre-Health Sciences Certificate, Medical Device Reprocessing Certificate and Bachelor of Science in Nursing in collaboration with the University of Alberta.
For more information about Red Deer Polytechnic’s Practical Nurse Diploma program, please visit: rdpolytech.ca/programs/practical-nurse-diploma.