Ibrahim Matar Briman
Dr Ibrahim Briman joined Red Deer Polytechnic as an Instructor in the Donald School of Business, Science, and Technology. Prior to coming to Red Deer, he was a PhD Student at the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy. He received his Ph.D. in Chemistry and Material Sciences from the University of Pierre & Marie Curie Paris-6.
Dr Ibrahim Briman was granted a research fellowship by the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy.
His primary research interests are centered on:
- Properties of confined fluids in porous materials
- Synthesis and surface functionalization of porous materials
- Scattering techniques (neutrons, X-rays), infrared spectroscopy and gas adsorption
Training sessions:
- Methods and application of Neutron spectroscopy
- Neutron reflectometry and small angle scattering techniques
- Small angle X-rays scattering techniques
- Reactor Dismantling and Waste Management
- Ph.D. in Chemistry and Material Sciences, University Pierre & Marie Curie Paris-6
- M.A. in Inorganic Chemistry, University Claud Bernard, Lyon-1
- B.A. in Formulation and Surface Treatment University of Franche-Comté